SELF-GENOCIDE: Genocide's Secret Weapon Part 3 by The Abolitionist 4° (Fourth Degree)
FOOD-LIKE PRODUCTS or Death With Ketchup Part 3
...So, by considering the political etymology of the "Stockholm Syndrome," Zionism and the extremely elucidating fact regarding psychopathic traits displayed during the formative period of the average white boychild--by considering how the definition of these terms and behaviors have mutated, we've seen that like all else in the oppressive status quo, Eurocentric psychiatry conspires to advance white subjugationism. (For a review, please see the previous B.L.O.G. Death With Ketchup Part 2). Thus it is no surprise that white subjugationist psychiatric bodies are rebranding healthy eating as "orthorexia nervosa" and defining it as a mental disorder.
Obviously, this authoritatively packaged coercion conspires to use the innate desire for normality to sway people to.not eat healthfully. To not eat healthful foods; but (to be sane) to eat what is normal. Of course, "normal" is synonymous with conventional. And what foods are the foods in the conventional American diet? Packaged foods. Unfoods. Food-like products.
Why such an enormous effort to stress you into eating only (or even primarily) what they provide? For profit? Sure.
But let us not mistake the form for the substance.
Depopulation. And when a population is targeted because of its race, depopulation means genocide. Too many of our communities are "food deserts" (communities where fresh
Why such an enormous effort to stress you into eating only (or even primarily) what they provide? For profit? Sure.
But let us not mistake the form for the substance.
Profit is the surface of the unFood Industry's motivation. But social engineering (controlling populations through toxified food supplies, disinformation, mind-fuckery, etc.) is its true purpose. Social engineering for social control and for depopulation. (For detailed explanation, please see links in Why This Blog?, the first blog in this series.)
Fried and Deliciously Seasoned Abomination
Depopulation. And when a population is targeted because of its race, depopulation means genocide. Too many of our communities are "food deserts" (communities where fresh
Orthorexia Nervosa (A Speculation On Its Genesis)
The Caucasoid has the "Midas Touch"--but in reverse:
everything he touches turns to shit.
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The Form |
So rather than absurdity or indoctrination, maybe
orthorexia nervosa was conceived because white
subjugationism (via its teenage girls) has turned
something golden into shit--once a-damn-gain: the
obsessively image-conscious class of affluent white
girls has a new trend. Once upon a time anorexia
nervosa, bulimia (or Binge/Purge Syndrome) was
the dysfunctional white girl's dysfunctional fashion
Now they've made healthy eating into an obsessive
So (perhaps) their white subjugationist fathers (ever
as vigilant as they are diabolical) at first coined
orthorexia nervosa to make sense out of the latest
shit their dev'lings have made and then afterwards
adapted the diagnosis to genocidal purpose.
produce is deliberately not made available). Too many fast foods joints entice us on every corner. And every supermarket and dollar store that is accessible is crammed full of the most appealingly packaged and tasty contaminants available. The worst of the worst foods are always shipped to our communities.
But they look good, taste great and are cheap!
Poor food made for the poor. Like the malt liquors and snack foods with gangsta-rap themes on the packagings that are manufactured exclusively for our consumption. We are, in fact, enticed to kill ourselves by cramming into our own mouths food-like products that are either diseased, toxified and/or genetically mutated horror shows spiced with flavor. Through every means and media imaginable, white subjugationism programs us to collude in our self-genocide by eating death with ketchup. Or mayo or sugar, or with and without iodized salt.
We die in epidemic proportions not from "preventable diseases" but from manufactured diseases. These euphemistically termed preventable diseases and our disproportionately high mortality rates from them are too tragically well-established to require elaboration. What is, however, routinely ignored is that the use of food as a weapon of self-genocide has been exported to Africa and other First World peoples.
Fast food companies have descended upon African communities in the latest wave of the white invasion. And as ever, they bring with them disease, death and devastation, taking full advantage of the lack of even paper regulatory safeguards and of the subservience of puppet African governments.
Everywhere in white subjugationism's status quo we are obsolete. Its new paradigm has no place for us. Your Black hands can buy all the technological gadgets your white credit cards can swipe--the Cyber Age is a vision without Black people. Indeed, choose your preferred term ("gentrifying," "settling," "expatriating"), whites are now taking over Africa the way they have taken over the "Americas," "Australia," "New Zealand,"--landmass after landmass; uprooting, displacing, eradicating peoples from their ancestral lands. Stealing our resources is no longer enough. Now they would steal our existence.
But let us not collude in our own genocide.
RT News (an excellent source of extremely reliable info, by the way) has recently reported that new genetic manipulation technologically has been appropriated by the US Defense Department. The technology allows GMO scientists to develop crops that attack the DNA of specific insects that might otherwise eat the crop. ( )
Who for a moment believes that the US Defense Dept has not adapted this technology to target specific human populations?
Who for a moment believes that Black people are not among the targeted population groups?
Granted, eating only foods that are organic and NonGMO is no foolproof protection against the genocidal weaponization of food (organics are more expensive--but not nearly as expensive as, say, diabetes treatment). But absolutely eating indiscriminately will absolutely diminish your quality of life before you absolutely sicken and die.
There is of course no end to the connections that can be established between bad food and death--planned death: genocide. But i think that the case has been sufficiently made (if you require more proof, comment and we'll provide). The next B.L.O.G., however, will shift focus to mental genocide/self-genocide. Til then i implore you to break free from self-genocidal eating (if you haven't), and to continue in empowering eating, if you have already awoken. For we need you. You are the one we have been waiting for.
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