GENOCIDE AND SPIRITUAL SCIENCE: Understanding Annihilation by The Abolitionist 5°
(Pa) Sspu and The Universe Within |
Beloved People,
By necessity i (like you) go about my daily life.
i read, look for discounts, fix my toilet or whatever. i hang in (usually) with a small circle of wise beings i am privileged to call friends. Sometimes (our Black feet being what they are) we dance up a storm. Of course i pray, exercise and meditate. Since my first invocation is while on my back before i get out of bed, i pray every day, though sometimes my intentions to exercise and meditate are just thoughts at which life laughs. Occasionally, i gossip. Always i delight in the incredibly wholesome meals my wholesome wife prepares. Always i delight in my wife.
And i engage in activities to acquire fiat dollars that i almost immediately give away.
Because white subjugationism's economic paradigm is deliberately what it is, sometimes paying bills gets interesting. But i sweat not: as regret is like worrying about the past, worry is like regretting the future. "Negative" focus on either is just straight up squandered energy.
First, neither the past nor the future exist. Only the infinite Now is real--and just barely.
Second, worry don't make a lick of sense.Is in fact counter productive because all worry (or regret,etc.) accomplishes is a flood of toxins into your mental, physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual metabolisms. And wrinkles 'pon yo' forehead. Better, i find, to put one foot in front of the other on a path of righteous intention, then let Creation do the rest.
By the necessity of circumstance, i (like you) go about my daily life.
And yet i remain cognizant of the genocidal reality that (like The Noose we know so well) daily tightens around our collective Black life. Indeed, as life (in the Relative realm) laughs at my plans to meditate, white subjugationism gives na'y a fluck about our desire to just go about daily life.
The so-called "Middle East" exemplifies the point.
Once upon a time vibrant, ancient and modernized, very beautiful cities with bustling economies existed in Eastern nation after Eastern nation. Of course, they were not without fault (though some, like Libya, were damn near as idyllic as it is possible for a nation to be--despite what you've heard on CNN). Each of these nations was old. Each of these nations was strong. Each of these nations was strong in its awareness of its permanence. After all, they had all been established for so long; had existed and thrived millennium after millennium--how could one even contemplate that their daily life could extinguish?
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And Saudi Arabia (like the once powerful Mohawk Nation in what was to become the US) watches--assists! Assists in the destruction of her ethnic and religious kin as they (just like the "tribes" the Mohawks watched) are picked off one by one.
Isn't that funny? The Saudis think they are special! They think they are "allies"; that America is their friend!
i wonder if there is any bookie anywhere who would lay odds that the Saudis ain't got a day that's a'comin'.
Plainly we can see the historical pattern playing out--for them. But for ourselves? When we look into the mirror of common sense we should see Saudi and Mohawk and Nigerian and the fate of all the other "friends" of the white man reflected back at us--despite the fun-house distortions of white subjugationism.
The Lesson of Sspu (the Sphinx) |
Indeed, we need not have read his Art of War to appreciate the value of another axiom: "Know your enemy. Know yourself. And in a thousand battles you will never be defeated."
For this crucial understanding it is not only Master Sun, but the voice of our deep and ancient way that speaks. As above, so below--
The Heavens speak clearly about the interconnectedness of all things above. Indeed, the Above (The Absolute) is our handbook for understanding the Below (the Relative). So, here is the lesson our Spiritual Science teaches us about genocide. First, assume genocide as a premise. Then connect the dots. That is, realize that absolutely no events are isolated. This is pivotal understanding: absolutely no events are isolated. Each murder of an unarmed Black person by a copsta (i.e., bloodthirsty member of the racist gang known as The Police), each zircon extracted from Senegal, each bag of Cheetos, each Planned Parenthood outpost, each word in each white subjugationist school--every thing that exist in the phenomenal world is connected. Once you see this, once you see that everything is a dot to be connected, not the picture but the reality behind the picture emerges.
And then there remains only a last thing to be done: put every iota of thought and object on the scale and ask, "Does this advance white subjugationism or oppose it?" Always you will find that things are either designed to destroy or to help you. Always.
Seek guidance and knowledge and self-improvement from the cradle to the grave but don't squint your eyes for saviors 'cuz You are the one we have been waiting for.
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