SELF-GENOCIDE: Genocide's Secret Weapon PART 2 by The Abolitionist 3* (Third Degree)
Thus informed, the hostages transformed into advocates. After they were released, they defended their captors and refused to testify against them in court. This defiance occurred on the world stage.
Obviously, white subjugationism could not allow such a colossal and implicit condemnation of the oppressive status quo to gain traction, so the pimp had the psychiatric bodies that are among its hookers officially label the newly awakened "hostages" as crazy. From this debauched, Machiavellian union the deformed critter called the "Stockholm Syndrome" was born.
Other examples of psychiatry as agency of propaganda are the formal classification and then declassification equating Zionism with racism (when the global Movement to liberate Occupied Palestine was strong, the classification was compelled; when the Movement weakened, Zionism was suddenly not racist anymore).
Likewise (kind of) with the definition of psychopathy. Once upon a time pulling legs off of insects, dissecting frogs and cats and other small creatures, and then "bullying" (more actually brutalizing) small children was waved away as "boys will be boys." Of course the boys who were being boys were "normal," average white boys. Problem was that this normal behavioral pattern was eventually recognized as the behavioral progression of psychopaths.
Please sink your mind-teeth into the significance of that. And please stay tuned for Death With Ketchup Part 3 where we will resume exposing the genocidal weaponization of food.
In the meantime, do not lose your sense of urgency. And look for no one else to save us from annihilation for You are the one we have been waiting for.
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