FOOD-LIKE PRODUCTS or Death With Ketchup Part 2
GENOCIDE/SELF-GENOCIDE The Physical (Health) Attack Part 2
Thus far The B.L.O.G. has alleged that:
1. Black people are the target of a global genocidal war. .. 2. Our physical, mental and spiritual bodies are its war zones.
3. In conducting its Genocidal War, white subjugationism has--without exception--weaponized everything (thoughts, objects and actions).
3. Self-genocide is an invisible weapon in the war.
4. Food is a weapon in self-genocide.
To support this allegation information and video links were provided. If you question the evidence of your own experience and intuition, these excellent sources provide detailed scientific and investigative evidence, as well as numerous references. The purpose of the B.L.O.G. is to arm you with the awareness that the War of Genocide is not going to happen but is happening, right here and right now.
As stated, the war is being waged on all fronts, physical, mental and spiritual. The B.L.O.G. will examine each of these fronts in turn. Today we continue the examination of the genocidal physical attack against our health.
Some sagacious wit once observed, "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was to make people think he does not exist." i would update and politicize that: "The greatest trick conspirators every played was to make people think that conspiracies do not exist."
And conspiracy is what "orthorexia nervosa" is: a pseudo-scientific attempt to categorize mindful eating as a mental disorder.
i am not making this up.( )
Throughout the Revolutionary Era of the 20th century, many have been the times white subjugationism has been caught with its falsifying draws around its ankles. Perhaps the most well-known example of scientific buggery is "The Stockholm Syndrome," which was a termed brilliantly devised by the psychiatric community to do political damage control. During the 1970s, an often coordinated Struggle against racism, capitalism, colonialism and imperialism was unleashed on every continent and in virtually every nation. In the major cities of oppressor nations everywhere, armed resistance organizations collectively named "Urban Guerrilla" armies or forces emerged. One of the Urban Guerrilla Movements was a German antifascist organization called The Red Army Faction (demonized by white subjugationist media as "the Baader-Meinhoff Gang"). To finance the Struggle, Movements all over the world engaged in what was called "expropriations"--which was a kind of polite way of saying bank robbery, though any "appropriation" of ruling class assets or funds qualified as expropriation. Anyway, one gloomy day in Stockholm, Sweden, members of the RAF were forced to take hostages in a bank. The standoff was lengthy, and during it The RAF engaged in a tactic that was universal among Urban Guerrillas of the Revolutionary Era: "P.E." or political education. The "bad guys" treated the hostages respectfully and talked about exploitation, racism, environmentalism--in short, the "bad guys" explained that they were fighting exploitation and they needed the exploiters' money to do it. .
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